“These monthly attunements bring me to a new state of peacefulness and calm. I feel my energy field being lifted up in some way that shifts my perception of the many-layered challenges I face…”
—E.S. (Arizona, USA)
“Afterwards, everything feels right. The alignment of my spine, my posture. I can feel my feet on my floor, my breath in my lungs, my blood in my veins. I feel tall, I feel the flow of thoughts and it’s just right. I can feel my physical body in space and everything is as it should be.”
—A.P. (Montreal, QC)
“When I was at a low point in my life, we started sharing attunements at regular intervals. Gradually, but pretty quickly, I found myself in a new “space” and able to make decisions. Everything began to change. I got clear on what wasn’t working in my life and was able to take steps, one at a time, to do what I really wanted to do. My sense of self-worth skyrocketed and all my relationships shifted to a more satisfying, balanced level. In a word my experience of working with Judie…PROFOUND.”
—D.A. (Athens, Greece)
“You are my guiding Light in this Journey of Life. I so appreciate all that we share to care for my world. Attunement truly brings the Spirit of Love and Life into whatever is happening in my body, mind and heart as well as in my family.”